Fundraising Information
Let’s get involved!
Why do we fundraise?
Our preschool is a community preschool and registered charity, meaning we are a non-profit organisation and are always looking for ways to fundraise money! This is to ensure we are able to provide the best care and education for your children. Our fundraising antics range from small (like online Zumba!) to big (Christmas wreath making!), and are all based within our community in the village to help raise funds for the setting.
Fundraising for the setting allows us as a preschool to ensure we are able to provide resources and learning opportunities for the children, as well as to continue our staff’s own training and development to enable us to continually improve our practices to give your children the best starts in life. It is a vital for the setting to generate income in this way to ensure we are still able to provide our services for our community,
Our committee as well as the wider community have also gained us access to grants (such as the Lottery Fund) to help with the running of the preschool. We currently have an Easter Fundraiser (see poster to the left), complete with raffles and prizes! Please contact us for more information about current and future fundraisers.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Bedruthan Community Fund, SMEGMA, and the St Mawgan Community Hall Committee for their kind and generous donations.
Volunteers and Committee members.
Our preschool is a committee lead organisation, where past and current parents work in partnership with the preschool staff to support and help with the running of our preschool. Not only does this allow for parents to get involved more with the provision, but it is also a means of a working partnership where we can collaborate to ensure that we are doing what is best for the children and the community.
We believe that it is essential that our committee is comprised of parents and caregivers of children who have and who currently attend the setting, as we deeply value the opinions and ideas of our parents and their input into all aspects of preschool life and your children’s education.
Our current committee is enthusiastic and come from all walks of live with a diverse skill set and experiences. We are always looking for new members to join the committee, and always value parents input and suggestions! Being a part of a preschool committee, may sound challenging, but it is a warm, friendly atmosphere of fellow parents and caregivers who all wish to work together for the continuing betterment of the preschool. The role of the committee member is not time consuming, and you need no prior experience! Meetings take place when everyone is available, either in person or via online communications.
Our Preschool has been a valued part of our community for many years, and we are determined that we continue to sustain it so that your children and their younger siblings and friends can also enjoy it!
If you feel you may be interested in joining our committee, or would like more information, please contact us via our email - we are also open to suggestions and ideas from non-committee members!
We look forward to hearing from you.
St. Mawgan Preschool.