
Here at St Mawgan Preschool we deliver an engaging and purposeful curriculum following the Development Matters document which follows the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. We tailor our curriculum to our child’s interests and learning needs, and cover each of the seven areas of learning found within Development Matters.

Curriculum Intent

Our children are central to everything we do. We have a flexible curriculum which, follows the children's lead, incorporating spontaneous moments and following the children's interest. Click below to see our full curriculum intent.


At St Mawgan preschool, we build upon children’s previous knowledge to futher progress their learning.

Effective planning involves careful and deliberate curriculum sequencing, based upon children’s interests and experiences. These plans spiral back to recap previous learning and achievements which then informs in the moment and structured planning to develop new skills and knowledge to promote future learning.sequencing the curriculum content and experiences that teachers and trainers intend learners to have.

Assessments and 2 Year Checks


As part of our practice as early years educators, staff collect and complete ongoing assessments on each child that attends our setting to inform planning for each child’s individual next steps. Assessments are completed through observations and interactions with children, and evidence collated into observations that are uploaded to Tapestry (more information below). We aim to complete reports at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms, with an in-depth report of your child’s learning journey produced at the end of your child’s time at preschool in the summer before they start reception.


For our 2 year olds, we undertake the EYFS progress check at the age of 2. The aims of the progress check are:

  • Review a child's development progress in the three prime areas

  • Ensure that parents have a clear picture of their child's development

  • Enable practitioners and parents to understand the child's needs and plan activities to meet them

  • Note areas where a child is progressing well and identify any areas where progress is less than expected

  • Describe actions the setting intends to take to address any developmental concerns (including working with other professionals where appropriate).

Learning Journals


At St Mawgan Preschool, we use Tapestry. This is an online journal to help record all the learning and fun of children's early childhood education. As a parent you can view your child’s learning journey whenever you like using your devices or computers. Tapestry allows you to get notifications of new content, as well as add pictures and comments to help practitioners build bonds with your child and build a holistic picture combining home life and preschool. Click below to log into tapestry.

As part of our practice as early years educators, staff collect and complete ongoing assessments on each child that attends our setting to inform planning for each child’s individual next steps. Assessments are completed through observations and interactions with children, and evidence collated into observations that are uploaded to Tapestry.